Heartbeat Academy
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Brain Chemistry and De-Escalating Intense Situations

Living and/or serving in a maternity home can bring on many stressful and tense moments. Explore opportunities to understand use brain chemistry science to build de-escalation strategies in your maternity home.

Presented by Suzanne Burns


Thrift Stores 101

This training offers two hours of credit toward the Life Affirming Specialist designation.


Thrift Stores: Supporting Life Ministry

If your Life Ministry is searching for another fundraiser, a thrift store may be just what you are looking for and more. This webinar will have you thinking of a thrift store not only as a funding source, but also as a marketing tool for your pregnancy center. The extra benefits may surprise you! The basic steps to opening a thrift store will also be discussed to help you get a road map for this exciting journey, which will also have a few challenges.


Determining Needs and Goals of your Residents

In this training, we will discuss using standards and outcomes based measurements to determine needs and goals for your residents. The results should then guide your staff to design the learning environment of the home so that the residents are set up for success!

Presented by Vicki Krnac, M.Ed., CALT, QI, Executive Director of Hannah's House.

 Click here for available subscriptions.


When They Are No Longer Under Your Roof: Phase 2 Housing

This training includes a brief presentation outlining the types of support that housing programs are offering for women as an ongoing and transitional extension of their work. In addition, the webinar will include time for dialogue on types of initiatives that programs have used to maintain relationship with women after they have left the home.


Mental Health First Aid for Those in Crisis

Pregnancy Resource centers are impacted by the Mental Health Crisis. Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis.


Answering Tough Calls

This training will walk through the first few minutes of a difficult call from an abortion minded or abortion determined caller. This training covers the very first questions a caller may ask about abortion and the services you provide, as well as covers active listening skills, and handling abortion determined callers.

This training should take approximately one (1) hour to complete. A copy of Heartbeat International's Talking About Abortion Manual is not required, but may be useful as it will cover additional information useful for sharing with these caller.


Reaching Abortion Minded Women in the Consulting Room

This training is presented by Beth Diemert, LAS - Heartbeat Academy Faculty and offers one hour of Life Affirming Specialist credit.


Strategic Vision for the Abortion Determined Client

Dive into proven-effective strategies to both draw in and serve the abortion-determined woman and empower her to make a life-affirming choice.


Abortion Minded Caller

This is a recorded presentation on the abortion minded client, particularly, the abortion minded caller. This presentation offers one hour of credit toward the Life Affirming Specialist designation.


Effective Use of Fetal Models with Clients

In this session you'll join Beth Diemert to learn key tips on how to use this valuable tool to factually and relationally engage clients, as well as some key missteps to avoid.



The LOVE Approach Online

Heartbeat's cornerstone staff and volunteer training, The LOVE Approach, in a convenient on demand training! 


Identifying Fake Clients


In this webinar, Heartbeat International's Director of Option Line, Nafisa Kennedy, will discuss ways to recognize potentially fake clients as well as what you can do to guard your center from these attacks. 




How to Identify and Assist Victims of Human Trafficking

In this one hour training, you and your staff will learn how to identify and assist your clients who may be at risk for, or who may already be victims of human trafficking. 


Sharing Adoption as an Option

Does it seem like your clients aren't interested in adoption? Overcome common hurdles to sharing modern adoption and understand what makes a client consider adoption today.
