Displaying items by tag: fundraising

Our CFS is a Big Deal: A Q & A

by Kirk Walden, Advancement SpecialistQA

Our Case for Support can be a huge boost to our development plan, if we maximize its potential for reaching our financial friends in the ministry. Let's take a look at some questions that will help us identify an effective CFS and how it can make a difference for us in 2015:

What is a Case for Support (CFS), and why do we need one?
By definition, a CFS is a document outlining the reasons why your ministry is important and lays out a plan for the future and/or a specific initiative which needs funding. In most cases, a CFS contains an individual ask for funding the organization or the initiative.

It is a smart idea for every organization to create a CFS whenever a major new initiative is rolled out ("Major" might mean an initiative with a price tag of $25,000 or more), or each year—as a way of sharing with its supporters the plans for the coming 12 months.

How many pages is a typical CFS?
We will look at the key elements in another article ("Core Elements of a Winning CFS"), but this document will likely end up with anywhere from 8-12 pages. Keep in mind, every element needs to be concise. We need plenty of white space in our CFS, to give our friends a chance to glance. We don't want to take them on a literary journey.

Who should receive a copy of our CFS?
If our CFS is primarily referencing a major initiative (expanding our medical ministry, renovations, the purchase of a new property, etc.), the CFS goes primarily to those who can give larger gifts (of $500 or more).

If our CFS is designed to put forth our annual plan, we will not only place it in the hands of major supporters, but we should strongly consider sending it to our monthly supporters, too. The cost is just a few dollars to send this to our monthly supporters but, with a strong thank you letter inside the front cover, it is a strong investment in building a long-term relationship (See our "CFS Thank You Letter" in this issue).

Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

The Case for Support: Hardly a "Boring" Document!

by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialistbored baby

Tweet this! When I think of what we call a "Case for Support" I yawn just uttering the words.

When I think of what we call a "Case for Support" I yawn just uttering the words. Couldn't we have come up with a better name for the very document that should convince our friends to join us in a mighty endeavor that could literally change history?

If you are wondering, a Case for Support, by definition, is a document whereby a ministry gives a "case" for why a particular initiative, or the ministry in general, deserves financial backing from a particular person, or the community at large.

But I'm going to be direct here: The terminology is boring.

Consider, if your ministry has a bold initiative that will save lives and change lives forever . . . This initiative—whatever it is—will change the course of history. Really! (And you need to know, I rarely use exclamation points. For this however, I make an exception. So there.)

Sadly, unless we want to recreate fundraising and development terminology, we're stuck with the dry, "Case for Support." What we can do however, is give the document itself some pop, some excitement. When we do, those who are thinking about joining our financial team will notice. We will build stronger relationships, and those we serve will be the ultimate beneficiaries of new financial gifts.

This month's issue then, is about ways we can give this document something extra, and why. In addition, let's look at some new recipients for this document. We might find that the Case for Support (CFS) can make all the difference in an exciting development plan for our ministry.


Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

2015: Start Now on Long-Term Success

by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist2015

A successful, effective advancement plan is not an overwhelming task; nor is it one that requires extraordinary fundraising skill.

Frankly, a winning plan for raising funds and advancing the ministry to a new tier is all about consistency and . . . Smart planning that is based on incremental improvement.

Here is what I mean:

Often we look at our finances and declare, "We need another event" or, "We must make major improvements in this area or that one in order to raise these funds!" On the idea of another event, in this issue we will blow that myth out of the water. If your ministry has two events, you have plenty. A third can actually be a detriment to a winning plan.

And when it comes to "major" gains in fundraising, most of the time we will find that it is step-by-step, small improvements that make the biggest difference to our overall success. This month, let's take a look at seemingly slight changes that can bring us powerful results, over time.

If we look long-term, we will find three avenues for success:

Time spent evaluating our current fundraising plan is always time well spent. Give our events a second, and third, look. Let's make sure each event is a wise use of our time.

Space events, appeal letters and in-person asks so that we are not constantly in an overwhelmed rush. Back-to-back events burn out all of us. And running an event (such as a baby bottle campaign) nearly year-round never gives us a chance to breathe.

Focus on the long term
Implement long term funding streams such as building monthly support and regularly meeting with those who can give major gifts, setting up your ministry for success long into the future.

For instance, did you know that adding just two $40/month donors each month will result in more than $55,000 in yearly funding over five years? That's success. Check out other articles in this month's issue that show us the way to a winning development plan, in good time.

Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

Why We Should Reconsider Event #3

Commentary with Kirkwoman-with-too-much-work

We're told that less is sometimes more and when it comes to a third fundraising event (or 4th or 5th), we need to think critically about its benefits and possible consequences to our long-term funding success.

So why not have a discussion? Let's look at questions and answers, and see if we can find some ground to stand on when we are questioned about whether a third event is always needed or necessary:

If we are going to build our budget, our third event is necessary. Look what we would lose if we eliminated this fundraiser!
Generally this third event means we have either two events in the spring (January through May) or two in the fall (September through mid-November). Because events rarely occur in the summer or in the Christmas season, having two events in either spring or fall means that we are going to have a season where we are constantly in "event" mode.

This is not to say that we always eliminate a third event. We do however, need to look at this event in light of whether it is actually advancing our overall fundraising plan. Keep in mind: Every minute spent on a third event is time not spent on other revenue enhancing projects.

We already have a third event. If we are going to drop one of our events, how do we choose which one goes?
To answer this question, let's throw out a principle. Unless an event is raising a significant percentage of your overall revenue, we must improve it or remove it. The word "significant" will have different meanings for different organizations. Here is a rough idea:

Less than $100,000 An event must raise at least 15% of your budget.
$100,000—$200,000 Events must raise at least 10-15% of your budget. Minimum: $15,000
$200,000—$500,000 Events must raise at least 10% of your budget. Minimum: $25,000
$500,000+ Events must raise at least 10% of your budget. Minimum: $25,000

If we are not reaching these rough benchmarks, we either need to fix these events, or get rid of them as they are eating up one of our most vital resources: Time.

My guess is that if we look at each of our three events, we will find one that falls close to these numbers and needs a good look.

One caveat: If your banquet is falling below our suggested numbers, choose this one to fix. A fundraising dinner should be your strongest overall event; if it is not, there is great room to grow.

How do we replace the lost revenue?
Most of our ministries miss opportunities in two areas: Monthly Support and Major Gifts. By shifting our focus toward building these two revenue streams, we might find a long-term, foundational increase in funding.

For instance, adding 25 monthly supporters over the course of a year (at about $40 per monthly gift) adds $1000 per month or $12,000 each year . . . And this will only increase in years to come as we add more supporters.

Consider major gifts, too. If we create a strong strategic plan (For the coming 3-5 years) and show a major supporter specific ways a major gift will be utilized, we will see these friends of the ministry respond.

What if we took the time we spend on that third event and met with one major supporter each month and asked for a gift of say, $5,000, what might happen? We are told that when we get to know someone who can make a major gift and truly build a relationship, when we make a reasonable, well-thought-out ask, the odds of a gift are more than 80%. At an average major gift of $5,000 then, twelve meetings would, in one year, likely mean some $50,000 in funding.

Different centers will see varying results, certainly. But perhaps we need to shift our thinking from "event" to "let's simply lay out a major vision and ask."

Should we always seek to eliminate a third event?
No, we're not giving a hard and fast rule here. We do however, want to help us consider whether a third event is necessary to move toward a higher income figure.

On the other side of this, many centers have a third event that is totally unrelated to other events and in fact, reaches a different group of people. A golf event is a good example here. Some ministries are raising $50,000, $75,000 and more through golf events—completely separately from banquets, walks, baby bottle campaigns and other events.

The point? A third event is not automatically "bad," but we do need to make sure it is a significant fundraising avenue. And as we look at three events, let's make sure we do not lose focus on our other revenue streams.

by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist

 Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

The Art of Research Brings Major Results

by Kirk Walden, Advancement SpecialistResearch

While time is always at a premium in our work, thinking long-term will not only save time over the space of a year; it will also bring powerful results that can begin even now.

As we look at 2015, let's consider some ideas that will benefit our advancement plan for a long time to come.

Scour that database!
Regularly searching for information in our donor software isn't just for the nerds and statisticians. It's vital for anyone who wants to see relationships and our bottom line improve.

Placing time in our regular schedule for research should be an integral part of our day in advancement. So what are we looking for?

Forgotten monthly donors—Check back a few years and find those who were giving monthly, but are no longer doing so. Some drop off because of moves or financial issues, but many either forget or lose interest because they feel forgotten. Our job is to remember!

Make a list of these friends, and if you know, jot down reasons why they stopped their monthly giving ("The Jones family moved"). Then, find those who might be motivated to give again, prioritize and plan ways to reconnect with these families, either by an appeal letter, a face to face visit—or whatever we need to do in order to begin rebuilding a relationship. Rebuilding doesn't need to start with an ask; it can be as simple as saying hello on the phone and telling our friend that we simply want to reconnect. Work on relationship, then the time to ask will be clearer.

One check and that's it—Go back 1-2 years and find those who wrote a check for $50 or more from an appeal letter or out of the blue. Consider an appeal letter to these friends, giving them a specific need and asking for a gift at least equal to, and perhaps 1.5 times the amount of this person's most recent gift.

A Google A Day—Might be the answer for getting to know those who give to us. I once Googled a major donor and found out that he split his time between the public sector (working for a University) and the private sector (researching energy issues). Gifts soared as he worked in the private sector, then flattened as he moved back into the university setting. We found that the best time to ask for major gifts was when he was working with major corporations—a valuable piece of information.

Many of those who can give major gifts can be found on Google, Bing, Yahoo or other search engines. This isn't stalking; it is vital research that can help us understand occupations, interests and more as we build good relationships. I even found one to be an author and we had the opportunity to talk publishing, information I never would have known without research. Knowing our people well builds relationships. The stronger the relationship, the more likely our friends will think of us when they give.

 Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

Got 10 Minutes? Build Long-Term Support!

by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist10min

Okay, so you've got just 10 minutes. Perhaps it's almost time for lunch. Or the day is almost over. Or you are between appointments. Maybe you are at an appointment in the waiting room. And there are those 10 minutes.

What are a few ways to use those few ticks of the clock to build a long-term development plan?

Run a report
If you are in the office, use your donor software to run a quick report. Here are some ideas:

  • A list of those who have given just one gift of $50 or more in the past year. This may lead to an effective appeal letter in the near future.
  • A list of those who have given three times or more in the last year. Perhaps these are future friends you can ask to consider becoming monthly supporters.
  • A list of the Top 100 ministry donors. If you send a short, handwritten note to two of these families or individuals each week, you can reach every person in a year—and take two weeks of vacation, too!
  • A list of those who gave gifts last year, but not this year. Ask, "How should I effectively connect with these people in 2015?"

Jot a note
If you have your Top 100 list, pull out a note card and write that quick note. In 10 minutes you might be able to write two!

Google, Bing . . .
Yep, think of a financial partner you don't truly know. Find out more by Googling this person. You might find employment (Linked In), relationships (Facebook), where they live, interests and more. You may even find out why your ministry is important to them, who knows? As in any strong relationship, the more we know about a person, the stronger the relationship can be. Google is only a starting point, because relationships grow through conversations. But it is a 10-Minute Start.

Break down a major project
What is that major initiative the ministry is working toward? If there is one on the drawing table, write down the cost figures and break them down into bite-sized pieces. You might be creating an effective ask for a future appeal letter.

Ten minutes is not a lot of time, but if we use these increments of time to be more effective in our work we will not only free up space in our calendar, we will also build our long-term funding in the process.

Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

Thank you letter - December 2014

Each month, Advancement Trends in the Life Community brings you a sample "Thank you note" to send to your supporters. December's letter is below:


Dear Brad & Angelina,

Whenever one aspires to a great work, there are naysayers. These are the people who can always find a reason why an idea will not work.

They pride themselves on being the first to have discovered the down side of a great endeavor. And if the idea by chance does not succeed, those golden words, "I told you so!" are first out of their mouths.

We have big dreams here. We want to see our community free from abortion. We want a city where every woman or couple facing an unplanned pregnancy chooses . . . Life.

There are naysayers out there, I'm sure. Some will think this goal is too audacious. Others will use words like "not feasible," or "unrealistic."

Your gift however, reminds me that many of us still believe the unthinkable can become reality and that the impossible is only impossible until someone accomplishes the task. And that with God, all things are possible.

Thank you for being a part of our team. Together, let's keep focusing on the impossible—until it is proven . . . Possible.


by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist


Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

Click here to download this thank you letter as a word document.


Let’s Remember to Celebrate!

by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialistcelebrate

Our donors have earned our thanks. They are partners in the ministry in every sense of the word and we can't say this enough: Our donors sacrifice their hard-earned resources so that babies will experience life and moms and dads might experience abundant life.

These friends not only deserve our thanks, but our regular appreciation and celebration, too. So what might we celebrate?

If someone has been faithful to our ministry every month throughout an entire year, let's let them know. Whether through a special card or a small gift—they need to know that we know they are faithful.

Many ministries have donors who have stood the test of time for five, ten, even twenty or more years. Think of creative, cost-effective ways to let them know. Try to think of something thoughtful they will remember, and keep.

By the way, "cost effective" is important. Let's not turn our appreciation into, "If you give for 12 straight months we offer a gold-plated . . ."
After all, our supporters usually shy away from recognition—this isn't to be commercialized.

Keep a database of the most faithful; those who have stayed with the ministry over time in different ways. Many will be monthly supporters; others will be those who give regularly in other ways, or who can always be counted on to major gifts.

This is a subjective list; you will know best as you begin to put the list together.

When our ministry reaches a milestone (1,000th client, 500th baby born—you get the picture), let's make sure our most faithful friends know.

We can create a little card with our announcement, send it to these friends and say, "Dear John and Jane . . . Just thought you would want to know—you've played such a major role in this milestone!"

The bottom line? Stay in touch with those who mean so much to us—building relationships that last.

Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

The Crucial Role of "Ambassador"

Boards of Excellence: Assisting Pregnancy Center boards in fulfilling their missionambassador

The board of directors plays many roles in a ministry, from visionaries to decision-makers to guardians of the ministry's public trust.

At board meetings we might be evaluating the chief executive or creating competitive benefits packages, making sure our staff is compensated justly. But outside of the board room we have a role just as vital: Ambassador.

Many of our constituents will judge our ministry by more than the newsletter, the events or even what they perceive to be going on inside our doors on a regular business day: They will evaluate our ministry based on the board members and the way we represent the organization.

So what are a few ideas on how we can be effective Ambassadors?

Name Tags
Really? Is that all there is to this? No, but this is a beginning: Every board member should have his or her own permanent name badge (not one of those cheap, plastic badges—let's go for metal) telling constituents at events: Mary Jones—Board of Directors. This is a seemingly small touch, but a first impression like this makes a difference. At any ministry function where the public is involved, we ought to wear these in order to send a message of credibility.

Tweet this: At any ministry function where the public is involved, we ought to wear these in order to send a message of credibility.

As an Ambassador, why not write a note to those friends who support the ministry financially, once a year? Each board member should have a list of donors (some ministries will include amounts for board members, others may choose not to do so). Pick out a number of friends who we can thank, and jot a note to each. Most Christians give to seven ministries but in times of economic uncertainty, this number drops to three. These notes will likely make our ministry one of the three.

Invite others
An Ambassador makes introductions. Pick three friends in 2015 who are not currently giving to the ministry, but whom you believe could, if they knew more. Invite them to lunch (or perhaps have an evening of dessert at your home for all of them) and include your executive director. Make the introduction, allow them to begin a relationship with your ministry's leader. This could lead to long-term ministry funding.

Three short ideas, none of which are time consuming. An Ambassador does all three and the ministry is stronger for years to come.

 Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

CEO Commentary: Check your mailbox . . . It's coming

Writing1The following is a commentary for the CEO or Director of Advancement to include in an E-Blast, Newsletter or other communication. Use as you wish—no credit is due to LifeTrends or Heartbeat International. This is for you to spark ideas, or use “as is.”

It is the time of year when charities and ministries all over send us letters, asking us for year-end gifts. And why not? This is the giving season and it only makes sense that non-profit organizations would see this as the perfect time for much-needed gifts.

And, no surprise; you will receive a letter from us as well.

But why? Are we simply wanting to be a part of the giving season? Is this just a time to pad our giving as we move toward 2015? Is this letter just another portion of a fundraising plan? No. Not at all.

While Year-End is a time when we normally ask friends to consider a gift, this is not a normal time in the life of this ministry.

In truth, this is a watershed moment for this ministry, which includes all of us: Prayer Partners, Volunteer Staff, Board Members, Compensated Staff, Financial Partners . . . All of us. This ministry has always been about all of us, working together to create a massive cultural shift in our area—toward life.

Let me share something with you: We are closer now than we have ever been to this cultural shift.

This year’s “Year End Letter” then, is not just another letter for any of us who consider ourselves a part of the First Choice Family. Not at all.

In this letter we will outline where we are going, show us just how close we are to making an incredible new impact on our community, and what it will take in order for this change to take place.

So when you open your mail a few days after Thanksgiving, amidst many other letters you will find one from me.

I trust you will open it. We have a lot to share, and a lot of dreams ready to come true. Give this letter a first look, and a second.

Big things are about to take place—and we are going to be a part of all of them . . . Together.

 By Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist

Click here for more of this month's Advancement TLC.

Click here to download this CEO Commentary as a word document.

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