2023 Pregnancy Help Institute Training

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In-Person PHI training event in Columbus

Heartbeat International’s Pregnancy Help Institute for Center Effectiveness helps you open your core to excellence and then apply that excellence whether in leading your staff or developing resources for your center. Institute offers a choice between three training tracks, New Director, Leadership, Development, in addition to joint sessions for all participants. All skills learned in this program can be applied in the pregnancy help movement as well as the most intimate relationships and the wider world.

Attention Affiliates: Be sure to login as an affiliate using the button on the top right corner of the webpage to receive a discount on the pricing below. Contact username@heartbeatinternational.org if you need assistance obtaining a username or resetting your login information.

July 24th, 2023 5:00 PM to July 28th, 2023 2:30 PM
8405 Pulsar Pl
Columbus, Ohio 43240-4043
United States
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Phone: 614-885-7577