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ProVida - Spain


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Headed by President Alicia Latorre, ProVida (Spanish Federation of Pro Life Associations) originated from the first Pro Life Association of Spain in 1977. It has been a recognized and registered organization by the Ministry of the Interior since 1981. It is independent and has the status of Special Advisory NGO of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. ProVida promotes and coordinates the activities and services carried out by volunteers of its associations in various Spanish cities. Each one of associations is autonomous in its action and management. The nexus that unites them is the defense of human life and its dignity.

ProVida promotes respect for all human life from conception until natural death through its services, which include: personalized assistance to single mothers, free medical and psychological care for women faced with an unplanned pregnancy, food and housing aid, educational courses, organization of conferences, seminars, and congresses, and collaboration in socio-cultural, scientific and public awareness events to promote a culture of life. 


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